My Favorite Blogs

Hello to all the lovely people in the world today! I have been wanting to do this for a while, it's a post on the blogs that inspire me most. The first two are blogs that I read when I took a break from blogging. They made me want to jump back on the horse ASAP. The other two are ones I've found recently, and LOVE.
Click below to read more.

Also, don't forget that I'm doing a giveaway!

This blog is written by Monica, who is only 13. Don't let that number get in the way of fair judgement, this girl is on to something. She's going somewhere. Every time I read her posts I remember that this is something anyone can do, and we all start from the ground up. I really do think she is going to go somewhere someday, and I can't wait to watch it happen!

This blog is written by Katie from Poland. She is super interesting and is commonly a surprise, which I love. Her blog kept me inspired because it feels like she's honestly just being herself. It doesn't feel like she's trying to be anything, and that inspires me. I feel like if I just do my thing, I'll be that popular one day.

I love this girl. Seriously. Everything she posts is gorgeous, and she probably has all of my favorite outfit posts I've ever seen. Her name is Megan and she is gorgeous. I love her girly but effortless style. She is a favorite by far.

Last but not least is Zoe Vogue, written by Zoe. I really like that she also seems to just be herself and magic happens, even better, she's my age. I feel like I can really relate with her posts and style, because it's kind of everywhere. I love it.

Who are your favorite bloggers? Who really inspires you?

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7 Responses to My Favorite Blogs

  1. Thank you so much for all these lovely words, it means a lot ! <3

  2. Thank you very much, I try pretty hard.(:
    I'd love to look at your blog, and I'll let you know what I think!
    Thanks again!
    XOXO, Aspen

  3. Great list! Katie is awesomeee.

    1. Thanks! She's one of my favorites!
      I read your blog too, I almost put it in this post. I only started reading it a little bit ago, though, so I didn't.. maybe next time, because I really like yours!(:
      XOXO, Aspen

  4. they are just gorgeous! thank you for sharing, Aspen!

    1. Thank you for the comment! I've been wanting to share my favorites for a while(: Enjoy your day!
      XOXO, Aspen


I love to read and (hopefully!) respond to all comments, so don't be scared to say anything!<3


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