Fashion and Photography: Laurie Bartley

Hello everyone! Time just keeps flying but I feel like I really should write something for you guys, and I want to share some knowledge with you.
To start, I want to say that I love photography. I've been really taking it up and decided that instead of getting a job, I want to advertise as a freelance photographer. I also decided to put my fashion magazines to good use, and started taking notes (literally taking notes and studying magazines) on things I liked (I'm planning on telling you about that soon, pinky swear!).
Anyways, while I was reading the March 2013 issue of Elle, there was a photo story that stood out to me, and I had to know why. I analyzed the photos, the clothes, the model, everything. I figured out that I loved the photography. Usually the models and clothes catch me, but I didn't particularly like either in this case, and I spent more time on it than any other story. That is a good photographer.
His name is Laurie Bartley, and after doing a quick Google search, I fell in love. He is definitely my current favorite photographer, and I'll show you why:

The first three are from the story I found in Elle, the other four are ones I found online that I fell in love with. Laurie was born in England, but is now based in New York. For more information and more of his work go to
I really like the unconventional look. The lighting in a lot of these are pretty hard to work with, and they all look beautiful and stunning and amazing. I also feel like it's a moment that's been captured. He doesn't just take photos, I think he's a true artist. It's lovely.

So, what do you guys think of the photos? Do you have a favorite photographer, stylist, or anything else? Let me know!

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2 Responses to Fashion and Photography: Laurie Bartley

  1. Great post, maybe I'll try analyzing photos too!

  2. Hi Aspen. I miss your great blog. I nominated it for a liebster award. To accept it, visit my blog at

    Best Regards,


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